
Teste sua Força

Nesse jogo você deverá testar a sua froça e ver até onde você consegue ir no medidor depois de bater com o martelo. E é muito barato de se jogar, apenas 100 NP, e imagine os prêmios que poderá ganhar...
BAH! Aquele palhaço era muito fraquinho e foi tentar a sorte no Tiro ao Coco.
 Arnold diz "Ganhe Prêmios Incríveis!"

Medidor Inteiro
A pontuação do medidor vai de 1 à 100 (sendo o 1 o começo e 100 o topo) quanto mais alto melhor os prêmios. E cada altura tem um nome que será o nível de sua força (amazing, strong, puny...). Onde chegará o medidor é totalmente aleatório, não importa da força do seu pet.
BAH! Aquele palhaço era muito fraquinho e foi tentar a sorte no Tiro ao Coco.
Arnold diz "Você acha que consegue acertar o topo?!!"

Além de ganhar às vezes prêmios em neopontos (e o Jackpot) você poderá ganhar itens também! (créditos ao fgn-guild.com pelos prêmios!)

Almost-but-not-quite gummy goodness. Strawberry wild!This lamp has a baby Fireball on it - how cute. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.A big bag of assorted Halloween sweets. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.What goes bounce...bounce...whirr... splat?Ewww... this cant really be made of brains... can it??Eww now that is just nasty! The way it jiggles is quite alarming!Ooh Brown, you dont see many of them. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.A lovely thick custard with special spooky ingredients.The perfect treat for any time you are feeling spooky!From the deepest parts of the haunted woods, the Clawmatoe is one fruit that will scratch back...With authentic blood-coloured tomato sauce.The only steak that will fly away if you are too slow...It cant fly, cant move very fast and mainly just sits there staring with those big round eyes.Drugals require regular brushing and bathing to stop them turning into frizzy messes.This wrap looks particularly angry to be eaten.This Petpet has a voracious appetite that could almost match a Skeiths!This paint brush has an eerie feel about it, and that strange humming noise...I wonder what it will do to my pet?It can get very irritable if its fed the wrong foods!A fantastic mid-morning snack that will terrify your friends.Once they start following your Neopet around, they are extremely hard to get rid of.Extra-crunchy toenails make this food a delight to eat.A large meal to fill your young ones. Toe lint now available as an extra bonus.Mum! Mum! My meal keeps staring at me! It is freaking me out.Yay for Meepits!!! This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.This stunning pillow can be won from the Test Your Strength game.Only the finest Grulb is ever used.You would think being mummified would stop it dripping!Eeep, this Negg looks rather scary. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.No, you cant seriously make pies out of Petpets... can you?IckyGood things come in small packages, and these chocolate covered treats sure are small!Freshly baked pumpkin cookies with a crunchy frog interior. Do not tell your friends about the surprise inside and watch them gag!This would be rather nice if it didnt taste so gruesome!Wow! You cant paint Slorgs red you know! This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.Ahhh... the poor little tentacle!A steaming bowl of fiery broth that will soon put hairs on your chest.What goes into Skeith juice? You just dont want to know...The perfect treat for any time you are feeling spooky!This really doesnt look like something you should eat!Mmmm Slime!!!!Oink!Yummy pumpkin sauce deliciously drizzled over a...erm strange black...what is that exactly?It looks like a little Petpet has been scooped into an ice cream cone and frozen!Eat it before it eats you!Pumpkin, swirly stuff and cream make this a rather pleasant spooky dessert.Edna claims this will make you smarter if you eat it... I doubt that!Frustrated at Techo Says? Wipe the smile off his face with this delicious Techo forearm.Uh Oh looks like you won a boobie prize. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.Show the world how much you love the game. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.Blow one too many raspberries and this is what happens...Amazingly enough these little fellows have poor eyesight in daylight, although they can see perfectly in the dark.Once this was a vanilla sponge cake but its previous owner carelessly left it too close to Ednas spell book.Maybe you shouldnt wear this badge with pride... This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.He followed you home from those spooky woods didnt he?

Alguns são itens exlcusivos como caneca e a camisa do Teste Sua Força, e a maioria são comidas mal assombradas e temos até um grande prêmio que é o pincel halloween.

Como disse, o medidor vai de 1 à 100, e aonde você chegar será a sua pontuação, e como um jogo, as maiores pontuações ganham troféus:

Jogue no ínicio do mês pois é quando as pontuações são zeradas.

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