
Grumpy Old King

Algumas Respostas :

Q: How can you tell a hungry Moehog has eaten too much ?
A: When it's carrying a basket of dried Aisha !

Q: How do you recognise a hungry skeith?
A: When they're holding a basket of chia.

Q: When is an Anubis similar to King Coltzan?
A: When it's offering a shield of gold!

Q: Why would a Faerie Usul dress up like Lord Darigan?
A: When it's got a cloak of smashed 101 dark novas!

Q: How do you recognise a hungry skieth?
A: When its holding a plate of chia!!

Q: When is an Anubis similar to King Coltzan?
A: When it's offering a shield of gold!

Q: What is another name for a Baby Chia ?
A: A hidden basket of Faerie Chia !

Q: How can you recognize a fierce Skeith from a tin of olives?
A: When it's eating a basket of Guide To Kiko!

Q: How can you tell a hungry Moehog for eating to MAGAX?
A: When They're carrying a basket of dried Aisha!

Q: How can you tell a adventurous Lupe has eaten too much ?
A: When it's holding a basket of aubergine Chia!

-Got a hot crossed buns and 613 nps
Q: What should you call a school of desert Cybunnies who manages to defeat a Battle Faerie?
A: A bowl of Cybunny surprise ice lollies!

Q: What is another name for a baby Blumaroo?
A: A Blumaroo !

Q: How do you keep a pack of avocado chias from deciding to challenge the The Esophagor?
A: By offering them a bowl of shadow Lenny berry sandwiches

Q: How do you recognize a herd of hungry Skeiths ?
A: When They're holding a plate of spotted Chias!

Q: When is an Anubis similar to king coltzan?
A:when it's offering a spell of light!

Q: What do you call a baby blumaroo?
A: A big Baby!

Q: What do you call a family of baby Bruces?
A: Brucey Bs!

Q: What do you call a fiery shoyru?
A: A Scorchio

Q: What do you call a family of Baby Chias?
A: A Skeith omelette !

Nota : Nem sempre funcionam.


Blumaroo Bobo da Corte
Faça o Rei Skarl rir com sua piada.

Skarl - Mau humor
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