Poisé, mais um jogo fácil em inglês para ganhar uns NP's todo dia.
Na minha opinião, esse é o melhor, pois fala sobre ecologia, preservar a natureza, etc.
Então vamos lá.
Esse é um jogo de perguntas e cada resposta certa você ganha 30 pontos.
Ao todo são 10 perguntas, totalizando 300 pontos = 491 NP
As perguntas são aleatórias. Isso significa que, da lista abaixo, você só vai ver 10 perguntas.
Pergunta: How many gallons of cleannig products that include toxic chemicals does the average American use each year?
Resposta: 25 gallons
Pergunta: Recycling one aluminum can will power what for 3 hours?
Pergunta: Which requires more energy to produce?
Resposta: Paper bags
Pergunta: Every American throws away how much trash a day?
Pergunta: Switching your washing machine from hot to warm can cut energy use by how much?
Resposta: 50%
Pergunta: True or false: Driving slower saves gas.
Pergunta: Environmentally-friendly paints contain low or no waht?
Resposta: VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
Pergunta: True or false: Plants remove CO2 and other toxins from the air.
Pergunta: How much less energy does your computer monitor use in sleep mode?
Resposta: 90%
Pergunta: How much water do Americans use each year?
Pergunta: True or false: Restarting the engine uses more gas than leaving it running.
Resposta: False, if your wait is longer than 30 seconds.
Pergunta: Which of these appliances accounts for 10-15% of energy use in the average home?
Pergunta: How many bottles of water does it take to produce the plastic for a one-liter bottle of water?
Resposta: 26
Pergunta: How big is the Paciffic Gyre, the giant patch of plastic trash in the Paciffic Ocean?
Pergunta: Changing one conventional light bulb to a compact fluorescent light bulb keeps how much global warming pollution out of the air?
Resposta: One Ton
Pergunta: True or false: Running a screensaver can cost you $50 in electricity a year.
Pergunta: Which uses more land and water?
Resposta: Raising animals for food
Pergunta: Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every WHAT?
Pergunta: How much water can a leaky faucet waste in a year?
Resposta: 3000 gallons
Pergunta: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, how much of American garbage is made up of packaging materials?
Pergunta: True or false: When they're turned off, home electronics don't use any power.
Resposta: False, if they're plugged in
Pergunta: True or false: When companies make products from recycle material, it uses less energy.
Pergunta: True or false: The FDA requires companies to test beauty products for toxic chemicals.
Resposta: False
Pergunta: If everyone kept their tires properly inflated, how many barrels of oil a day could the US save?
Pergunta: Recycling one ton of paper saves how many trees?
Resposta: 17
Então é só isso. Boa sorte e clique aqui para jogar.
PS: caso você encontre uma pergunta que não esteja aqui, nos avise pelo Formspring ou Twitter.